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DI&C Assignment 4 "Digital Identities 1"

"This is your digital identities project "in progress". It is not expected to be fully resolved, visually coherent or clearly contextualized submission. As well as visual material (contact sheets, work prints etc. Depending on the nature of your practice and your project)

You should include a short text (500 words) setting out:

  • The specific themes your work is addressing or what your work is attempting to communicate.

  • A list of practitioners you have looked at in relation to this assignment.

  • A bibliography

  • Brief self evaluation.

Student Proposal:

"Long Term negativity of the Digital Footprint"

What are examples of digital footprints?

  • Your search history.

  • Text messages, including deleted messages.

  • Photos and videos, including deleted ones.

  • Tagged photos, even those you never wanted online.

  • Likes/loves on sites like Facebook and Instagram.

  • Browsing history, even when you are on 'Incognito' mode.


Initial Ideas

The assignment will be based around the long term effects of the digital footprint. How we as a world civilisation have reached a point in digital development where a whole culture is addicted to a lifestyle of projecting their lives onto various electronic platforms and the situations created from such an open style of life. With only the pre- digital generation having the insight to view to problems which develop over time.

To compare the positive against the negative of our digital foot prints but over a more long term basis. For example an opinion or reaction posted in a variable mental state or different stage of maturity may create complicated situations at a later stage of a person's life. This maybe as trivial a political statement or the liking of a controversial site, which later in life may be the cause of being refused entrance to a certain country for example.

In many cases we are no longer creating memories which are lived and forgotten. We now take our memories with us. Often as constant baggage. Memories are always good and bad.

Finally linking our ideas and opinions to commercial interests, or obtaining advice via self proclaimed experts without qualification. The adoration of celebrity who are given a platform to interact with fans whilst casting opinions of which they create influence without knowledge.

My thoughts are very loosely based around the idea of looking back at a grandparents house, which would always be the family "gallery" of achievements. From early school photographs to university graduation photographs.

However the images could be removed or replaced as time moved on, or the images became an embarrassment for the subject of the photograph. There was a natural order; gallery like in how photographs were displayed, an unspoken "pecking" order, which may change as the years progressed and personal mistakes changed peoples viewpoints and relationships toward each other.

How whilst multiple generations of a family sat together at various times casting different opinions from different upbringings against the "modern" views of the younger generation.

Now multiple this image by millions and imagine nothing being removed and comments not retained within this single room, where everyone understands the obnoxious Uncle etc but broadcast worldwide and left untouched for years and years as social views change....this comparative scenario is my mental starting point - though will not be mentioned in my work. It will bring comparative clarity to my thought process; pre digital.


This will not be based on the work of other practitioners; but based on my own experiences and research. As a man in my mid 50's I have lived through the commercial digital era. Owning the earliest car phones moving through to "smart phones " of today. Through the earliest forms of commercial digital communication to what is acceptable today. Witnessed the creation and extinction of industries caused by digital sharing and observed.

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