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Photographer Research : Christophe Gilbert

Gilbert is a Belgium photographer and artist, who specializes in the manipulation of his own images. His clients include Toyota, Coca Cola, Porsche, Renault, Eurostar etc

Gilbert is unusual in the sense he is both photographer and manipulator. Artist and creator. His range of work is vast, based mainly on the human body and behaviour. His images are clean and crisp, expected for his market of art and advertising. His manipulation is seamless. I really enjoy this artists work, probably inadvertently because he creates concept, photograph and finished artwork. Which as a photographer I appreciate more than receiving credit for the finished concept, based upon the created work of other photographers.

His work is elegant and ambiguous. Theses are images I could view all day and not care if they carried no message or ideals. Though I feel his work as depth and different messages to different people. This for my personal taste is as good as it gets and I have to state my surprise for the course not using this artist/photographer as study subject, so unique is the way his mind works.

Many of the images are gender fluid and could just as easily have been created by a male or female artist, again unusual as many artists I have viewed, have their gender stamped all over them alongside their political message or beliefs. Gilbert does not.

There are many superb photograph manipulation artists such as Ricardo Bagnoli and LSD photography but as the full package, I have not seen any work of the standard of Gilbert.

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